Ever since the Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer Pathaan’s first song, ‘Besharam Rang’ was released, it has sparked a fierce protest. The controversy no longer needs any introduction. As per the recent development, on Thursday, the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) directed the makers to implement 'changes' in the film, including its songs. Amid all the discussion, now, former CBFC Chairman Pahlaj Nihalani has reacted on the matter and stated that Pathaan is “a victim of controversy.”
During his conversation with ETime, Pahlaj Nihalani asserted, “There’s no guideline that states that a colour can be cut. You can suggest changes if there’s vulgarity or obscenity. But if they ask for cuts because of colour, it would be a wrong proceeding. There could be pressure from the ministry... Pathaan is a victim of controversy. The CBFC must have got pressurised by the ministry to delete this portion of saffron colour. Otherwise, they had cleared the costume and the shot in the trailer.”
He further elaborated, “It is the committee’s right to decide what cuts and modifications are needed. They will have to see the revised version. Prasoon Joshi might have given a statement but he has no right to watch Pathaan with the examining committee. He must have got pressure from the ministry to see the film carefully because of the saffron colour. If they suggest a cut because of colour then it would be a wrong proceeding.”
Pahlaj’s statement on the matter comes a day after PTI quoted the Chairperson of CBFC, Prasoon Joshi saying, “I must reiterate that our culture and faith is glorious, intricate and nuanced. And we have to be careful that it does not get defined by trivia which takes the focus away from the real and the true. And like I have said earlier as well, that the trust between creators and audience is most important to protect and the creators should keep working towards it.”
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